Kristel (MM) the Buffalo Bills/ baseball/ the lush landscape of NY
I had an epiphany during class! One of my goals out of this class and this wonderful JRB program is I would love to make commercials worth watching-specifically food or humorous commercials. That is one of my main goals in life, because I understand that we need advertising to fund certain programs, so I'd like to at least make them somewhat entertaining or give someone a good laugh out there maybe to brighten their day.
I could totally shoot food commercials all day and love it, Elmer glue pretending to be cheese and all! It's really where I think my passion lies and just get so excited about! Here's my idea for the project with the same three original subjects- (baseball, football (The Bills), and the lush landscape of NY, I have ideas and would LOVE to shoot 3 mini commercials for these. I
I would like to make three small commercials: (spring water) -lush landscape of NY, (hotdog commercial) baseball, and a (rib) commercial for football/The Buffalo Bills.